Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized way.
More than ever, in today’s challenging business environment, best-run companies are staying focused on their most valuable assets which are their customers. Companies seek to retain their best customers and maximize the effectiveness of every customer interaction no matter in sales, service or marketing.
Corpweb’s Web-based CRM (WebCRM) has all the flexibility to tailor-made its features and functionalities to support a variety of businesses such as Industrial, Financial Planning and etc.
More than ever, in today’s challenging business environment, best-run companies are staying focused on their most valuable assets which are their customers. Companies seek to retain their best customers and maximize the effectiveness of every customer interaction no matter in sales, service or marketing.
Corpweb’s Web-based CRM (WebCRM) has all the flexibility to tailor-made its features and functionalities to support a variety of businesses such as Industrial, Financial Planning and etc.
- Employees can quick assign, manage and resolve incidents with automated routing, queuing and service request escalation.
- Reports help identify common support issues, evaluate customer needs, track processes and measure service performance.
- Easily share sales and order information as well as support information and use it to identify top customers and prioritize service needs.
- Perform a better customer services due to all the data concerning interactions with customers is centralized.
- Increased customer satisfaction. The customers feel that they are more “part of the team” instead of just a subject for sales and marketing.
- Better customer retention via WebCRM. If the WebCRM system is able to enchant customers, and this will increase customer loyalty. Thus, customer retention can be maintained.
WebCRM implementation traditionally takes several months to a year depending on the size and complexity of the organization.